pagi ini saya akan berbagi Netgate Registry Cleaner 7.x.x Full Keygen
NETGATE Registry Cleaner membersihkan dan defragment registri , kecepatan - up PC Sobat , menghapus file yang tidak dibutuhkan pada disk , menghapus jejak aktivitas . Ini termasuk manajer Startup untuk mengelola program dimulai pada Windows startup dan manajer Uninstall untuk aplikasi berguna uninstall . Mendukung penjadwalan scan dan opsi cadangan untuk keamanan yang lebih baik .
Registry Cleaner Features:
- Registry Defragmentation
- Registry Backup and Restore
- Startup Manager - manages all applications that starts at Windows startup
- Uninstall Manager - handy tool for quick uninstall of application from your system
- Backup - all removed items are stored in backup until permanent deletition; it can be restored anytime
- Registry Cleanup:
- Missing Shared Library
- Unused File Extension
- Invalid ActiveX/COM
- Invalid Type Library
- Open with Application
- Edit with Application
- Print with Application
- Application Paths
- Missing Help File
- Installer Reference
- Uninstall Entry
- Software Installations
- Startup Entry
- MUI Cache
- Invalid Open/Save Entry
- Old StartMenu Ordering Entry
- Invalid Default Icon
- Invalid/Empty Class
- Missing Type Library
- Empty Keys
- Disk Cleanup
- Traces Removal
- Scheduling support - cleanup can be scheduled at specified time
- Multilanguage translation support
- Skin support
- Premium technical support
- Registry Shield Protection - protects browser homepage from changing, etc.
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Netgate Registry Cleaner 7.x.x - Keygen
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WORK TASTED : Windows XP/7/8
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